We've Uncovered The
Ultimate Formula To Sell Photos Online
That Almost Nobody Knows About... 

We've Uncovered The
Ultimate formula to sell Photos Online
That Almost Nobody Knows About... 

This Can Help Any Photographer Making A Side Income From Their Passion!

This Can Help Any Photographer Making a Side Income from their Passion!

“In the last 17 years, I have never seen a course that helps photographers sell their work online better than this one”
– Serge Ramelli, National Geographic Photographer

“In the last 17 years, I have never seen a course that helps photographers sell their work online better than this one”
– Serge Ramelli, National Geographic Photographer

From: Craig Alexander
Clearwater, Florida

Back in 2018, I invested all my savings to have my own Photography Gallery inside a local mall. I thought it would be my big break.

I would work 12h a day, seven days a week, to barely survive with my art sales. It was hard.

I’d spent 6 years before this as a starving artist, selling my landscape photography out of other people’s galleries and having to split everything with them by 50% and never really making a profit. I relied on working 80 hours/week in interior design jobs on the side just to pay the bills. 

So when I finally saved enough to have my FIRST own expo… It flopped completely and I ended up out of business.

I was emotionally crushed, felt like my world had fallen apart, and my career as a landscape photographer was finished.

That was it, I knew something had to change, but I wasn't sure how to go about it.

So I Searched For The Best Possible Way To Sell My Landscape Photos Online

I've tried over 10 Different platforms, tried making sales funnels, etc... 
Most were very time-consuming for very little results but...

Guess what? 

The most simple platform was the best performing one for myself and now for all my students too! 

I have been optimizing how exactly to least my photos and found out there is ONE secret that almost no one knows about, that once applied TRIPLED ALL MY SALES!

This Was The First Real Game-Changer

But then I had another problem. 

How do you handle orders, printing, delivery, and returns? 
Where do you get your photos printed to ship worldwide? At what price? 

OK. Look, I have been there, and I am not gonna let you down,

This isn't just a course to list a photo on a platform and cross your finger for someone to buy it.
No,  This course covers every step to help any photographer make their first sale!

We will go over:
  • What Photos to List?
  • The Secret Recipe I discovered to be profitable selling photos online
  • A Quick and Easy solution to create your canvas wall Presentations.
  • 50-70% Exclusive Discount Printing Coupon Codes (to save endless costs on printing!)
  • The exact process to handle order / printing / shipping without touching the product yourself.
  • And So Much More...

You Can Easily Use This Course

I want this for you as I know exactly how amazing and fulfilling it feels when people buy your photos every day.

A few years ago, using these principles, despite the global pandemic, I made over $250,000 of online photography sales! AND a spot on live TV!

I can't promise you'll get the same results, but I can tell you that every single student I had that worked hard at it are all selling their photography profitably every month.

If the above sounds interesting to you, and you’re confident you’ll put in the work… I’d love to have you in my online course to learn, apply and succeed. 

The course I offer has helped hundreds of artists around the world and sells upwards of $500 but you can already start making profit with this Etsy course for only $47!

This video course will get you up and running on Etsy… combined my students have sold millions of dollars worth of their art online

I wish you lots of success with your landscape photography career and adventure!

Big Hug,
Craig Alexander

“In the last 17 years, I have never seen a course that helps photographers sell their work online better than this one”
– Serge Ramelli, National Geographic Photographer

“In the last 17 years, I have never seen a course that helps photographers sell their work online better than this one”
– Serge Ramelli, National Geographic Photographer

You are next, my friend.

My name is Craig Alexander.
I have been selling my photography since 2013 and I will be your guide through this adventure of helping YOU sell YOUR photography online!

Get This Huge Discount Today!

Get This Huge Discount Today!

Limited Time Offer


Imagine You Could...

  • ​​Create an incredible side income sharing your art with the world and getting paid for it!
  • ​Have your landscapes photos sold while you are sleeping!
  • Uncover the secret way to make a drop shipping business out of your own Photography!
  • ​Have your landscapes photos displayed in people's home!

“In the last 17 years, I have never seen a course that helps photographers sell their work online better than this one”
– Serge Ramelli, National Geographic Photographer

“In the last 17 years, I have never seen a course that helps photographers sell their work online better than this one”
– Serge Ramelli, National Geographic Photographer

Have a look at How My Courses Are Helping Other Photographers sell their own art online

Alexandros Megas, New York

 For years struggled to sell his art online. It was a distant dream for him. Now he’s sold over 100 pieces of his own art and has made thousands of dollars selling his artistic creations!
Sandy Dobbs, Texas

Never sold her own work before working with me. She’s now sold over 500 pieces of art online with Etsy, profitably, and is now scaling up to new online selling platforms like Amazon Handmade, Ebay, etc.
Clif Haley, Tennessee

Clif has sold over 500 pieces of art online now and more than 3x'ed his profit margin when he started this course!

Over $20,000 made in photography sales;

Tim West, Tennessee

Did the occasional art show, but now is selling profitably at shows and online, having sold over $10,000 in his first year of his own photography since learning these principles!

Selling Your Art On Etsy



This course will give you all the tools To make your first Landscape Photography Sale in 7 Days.
From Listing your Photos to having your customer receiving it at their home.

“In the last 17 years, I have never seen a course that helps photographers sell their work online better than this one”
– Serge Ramelli, National Geographic Photographer

Selling Your Art Online



This course will give you all the tools To make your first Landscape Photography Sale in 7 Days.
Get the tools to go from Listing your Photos to having your customer receiving it at their home and leaving a 5 star review!

“In the last 17 years, I have never seen a course that helps photographers sell their work online better than this one”
– Serge Ramelli, National Geographic Photographer

What's Inside?


The first chapter welcomes you to this new adventure where anyone can start selling their art online!

How to Find What Sells Online

There is a precise tech to know in witch fields your photos will sell best! This goes in depth on tracking real numbers, not just what LOOKS like it sells the best.

The 4 BIGGEST Secrets in Photography Sales.

1) Market. Message. Match. How you can KNOW exactly which photos of yours will sell, and which wont!

2) How 20 seconds will MASSIVELY increase the percentage of people who see your work, and actually give you money for it!

3) A weird, old HOLLYWOOD secret that has been selling out movies since the 1920s, and how YOU can easily and quickly use it for your photography sales!

4) How you can reach audiences of hundreds of thousands of potential photography print buyers without spending a penny on paid ads!

The Secrets To ONLINE Marketplace sales

Navigating the many places online to sell your work can be confusing, time consuming or intimidating at best. Here the step-by-step guide on where to start, how to start, and how to make sure you succeed!

5 SEO Secrets

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) It's What shows up online when keywords are searched for - like "Paris Photography" - and why they rank so well. (and most importantly, its how YOU can start showing up above your competition!)

Who is Craig Alexander?

Craig Alexander is a seasoned Landscape and Cityscape photographer

He has appeared on TV, galleries, online and even owned 4 photography galleries for years.
But his biggest passions is helping other photographers learn about how to market and sell their photography!
With over 10,000 pieces sold, and over $1.6 million in in lifetime photography sales, Craig will guide you on exactly how to get YOUR photography making sales. 

Easy Setup

This course doesn't need any sales or marketing experience, and the step-by-step guide on how to get started makes it a breeze


No matter where you live in the world - This just works.
We have students winning and making sales from all corners of the globe.

100% Satisfaction GUAREENTEED

If you are not satisfied, Craig will give your money back within 30 days. Guaranteed.

Time Is Of The Essence...

Here's why...

I told you that I am discounting the price of the course from $500 to $47, but this is only for the initial launch. 

I won't be able to keep that offer much longer without losing money
The discount is going away.

Here Is My "You've Gotta
 Be Crazy" Guarantee

Still not sure if you should take that leap? Don't risk it!

I'm so confident that you will love this course that I put a 30 day money back guarantee.
If for any reason you are unhappy with the course, you can simply email us at support@craigalexanderacademy.com and we'll refund the course no questions asked.

This Is Truly A Limited Offer

I want you to have the opportunity to share your art with the world profitably, so take action now and pick up your copy of this course!

Did I mention the discount is ending? Take action now !

Limited Time Offer


“In the last 17 years, I have never seen a course that helps photographers sell their work online better than this one”
– Serge Ramelli, National Geographic Photographer

“In the last 17 years, I have never seen a course that helps photographers sell their work online better than this one”
– Serge Ramelli, National Geographic Photographer

Questions or Concerns? Email support@craigalexanderacademy.com